Virtual Experiences unlike any other with



The difference between bourbon and whiskey might not seem all that apparent. And to add to the possible confusion, if you just refer to bourbon as whiskey, you wouldn't be wrong. Bourbon is a type of whiskey, much the way that Champagne is a type of wine. So all bourbon is whiskey, but not all whiskey is bourbon. Join a purple cork event to discover the delicious nuances.

From Kentucky Bourbon to Japanese Whisky to some special “Unicorn” bottles, take a global tour with purple cork and learn the nuances between each of the world's main producers. You can browse some of the most popular bottlings and cocktails below to feature at your next event.





"We have 30 registrations in three days! We will definitely be doing more Bourbon events. Wow!”

Alexa Tapia, Elisity

Curated Tasting Gifts

  • Old Forester 1920 | Prohibition Style Whiskey | 115 Proof | Gold Medal | 750ml

    Woodford Reserve Double Oaked | Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey | 14 Gold Medals | 750ml

  • Bushmills Prohibition Whiskey | 750ml

    Yu Courage Japanese Whisky | 750ml

  • The full-bodied richness of Elijah Craig Small Batch is perfect for the spirit-forward Old Fashioned. Its signature warm spice and subtle smoke flavor complement the sweetness and spiciness of the cocktail's key ingredients.

  • Blanton’s Gold Edition (750ml) + Eagle Rare 10 Year (750ml)

    Unicorn bottles of bourbon are beyond just “special” or “unique.” We're talking about bottles that are so rare, they're really made almost exclusively for investing.

  • Balvenie 12 Year Old Double Wood + Talisker 18 Year Old Single Malt Scotch Whiskey

    The name's malt...Single Malt. James Bond is drinking scotch again. More specifically, he's drinking Talisker. Treat your guests to the rich history of this legendary whiskey.

Old Forester 1920 whiskey and glass

Tasting Experts

Barrel Proof Duo

Angela & Brad | Instagram
Angela and Brad are Louisville, Kentucky-based whiskey adventure seekers who enjoy sharing their passion for Small Batch Craft Bourbon with others. Both graduates from Moonshine University, Angela is a Bourbon Steward and Brad is a Bourbon Executive. They know their stuff!

Angela and brad looking at each other
Bottle of old forester

Discover Kentucky

Kentucky's legendary distilleries have crafted the world's finest Bourbons for more than 200 years, using secret recipes and methods passed down from generation to generation.

Old Forester Distillery


Registration page, inserts and communications showcasing your company

the purple cork package


Boutique beverages, food and packages shipped globally


Featuring noteworthy tasting experts and purple cork hosts

"Last night my husband was raving about the pinhook. He is not a bourbon guy and is now a huge fan of this bottle. Haha. I told him he needs to save me some. Great pick!”

Melanie Tuscher, Crowdstrike