Top 5 surprises from 2022 purple cork events

When we launched purple cork in 2020, we had no idea that the pandemic would completely transform the corporate world in the best way possible. Marketing leaders came inbound, wanting to virtually engage their prospects and customers during a time that they couldn’t travel to in-person events. 

As we close out 2022 and reflect on your hundreds of corporate event experiences with purple cork, 5 surprises bubbled to the top, pun intended (we’re Champagne people!).

Here are our top 5 sparkling surprises from your 2022 purple cork events. Hope you enjoy!

 1. There's something about Bourbon

With our HQ in Sonoma County, one of the world’s best wine regions, it’s easy to see why our first surprise caught us off guard. We love to drink wine, share great wine and teach others about wine. But, it’s clear from our registration and attendance numbers that people love a great Bourbon tasting. So when you’re looking to engage a big crowd, think beyond the reds and whites and try an aged brown.

 2. Don’t fear Friday events 

On Mondays, people are getting caught up from the weekend. And on Fridays, people are looking to sign off early. At least that’s what we used to think. With a couple of years of data under our belt we now know that Fridays can be a magical time to host an event, with the sweet spot being 3-4pm ET. During this time people are happy because the weekend is almost here and looking to wind down, relax and have some fun. And, the best part is that you likely won’t be competing with other meetings at this time. So mark your calendars for a Friday event with purple cork.

3. Country-specific events, eh?

The power of a virtual event is that you can invite people from anywhere, as long as the timing works. One thing we didn’t anticipate is that region-specific events help drive higher conversion in the same way that personalized outreach is more effective than a generic invite. So, if you’re looking to engage your prospects in Canada, invite them to a networking event, just for Canadians. Or, invite your prospects across the pond to a networking event, just for them. I guess birds of a feather do flock together. (And, don’t worry about international shipping. purple cork can ship to any country.)

4. Embrace the breakout room

We attend a LOT of events every day and see the power of breakout rooms, or “Tasting Tables” as we like to call them. What’s the magic? People who are shy in a big group suddenly become talkative. Conversations take hold. Cameras turn on. Relationships are born. If you are worried about managing the tech side of breakout rooms, don’t! Let purple cork AV handle it. 

5. Tell tall tales

Want to know what content works best to engage your prospects and customers? It’s not a sales pitch or a company update or a walk-through of your latest product release. It’s customer stories. Your prospects and customers want to hear what companies, like them, are doing to drive success. Invite your customers to share their stories first-hand during your event and watch the questions flow like the fine wine.

Ready to get started with your own virtual tasting series in 2023? Set up some time today to make your idea a reality.


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